Our Community

Orientation helps you and your child become familiar with our centre and our educators.


Family Participation and Communication

We recognise that families are the first and most important influence in a child’s life. Our educators are here to complement that relationship and aim to stay completely connected with families to share in decisions that affect the child and to incorporate your expectations into our learning goals. Any successful partnership is based on open communication. At any time, you are able, and encouraged, to contribute to the program or learning environment, share ideas or concerns or join in the serious fun that we have daily. Verbal face-to-face communication is important to us and helps to establish our relationship.

Communication will also include emails, newsletters, displays and notices in the centre and digital forms such as Facebook, SMS and Storypark.



Storypark is an app that houses your child’s learning and development profile and a space to communicate with your centre and fellow centre families. It is a completely safe and private platform, only accessible by you, your child’s educators, and those you authorise. Educators use this tool to share your child’s achievements and milestones, funny events and photos of their day. The Storypark app is an ideal way of staying connected with families. You can even contribute to the content on the Storypark app, share family interests or weekend events and post photos of your own. Invite other family members or other professionals that work with your child, such as allied health or medical specialists, to join and contribute too.

First day

Starting at an early childhood centre may be an exciting time for children and families, although it may also be an emotional or anxious time.

Before your child’s first day, an orientation is encouraged to familiarise both you and your child with the centre and the educators through our free stay-and-play sessions. The orientation will be tailored to you
and your child’s needs. It might be a quick drop in the day before or a series of short visits leading up to the first day. It may also involve shorter days once
the child has started transitioning into the routine.

Please ask your Centre Manager how they can accommodate your needs over the orientation period.

The list provides a general overview of what you may be required to bring each day. Check with your child’s centre for specifics.

»Water bottle
» Wide brimmed hat
» Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, late snack*
» A complete change of seasonal appropriate
clothes (a few sets if learning to use the toilet)
» A sheet set*
» A photo of the family
» A special comforter (blanket or teddy for
example, that the child may be attached to)
» Alternative Formula sufficient for your baby’s
needs (if your baby is unable to drink the
formula we provide as standard)
» A dummy, if necessary, with a cap or container
for storage

Family Responsibilities

By enrolling at our centre, you agree to abide by our policies and procedures as outlined in this handbook and in the Affinity policy manual available at your centre.

It is a legislative requirement that you record your child’s attendance by signing in on arrival and departure times using our digital kiosks. On arrival each day, you can place your child’s belongings into a locker and any food or drink into the available fridge. Escort your child to where the children are grouped, and our educators will greet you and your child, assisting with the morning transition into our centre.

Please ensure you leave your child with an educator and never drop them off in a room unattended or in the foyer of the centre. If you arrive and outdoor play is underway, please ensure your child is wearing a hat. Sunscreen is available for you to apply to your child before you escort them outdoors to play.

When departing with your child, ensure you follow the departure procedure, inclusive of collecting your belongings and please inform an educator of your departure.

Our centre is a smoke-free area. Smoking is not permitted in or around a 10-metre radius of the premises including car park and perimeter fencing.


Our Educational Programs

Schemas In Action

Healthy Beginnings

Babies aged 0-1 years

Your baby will start their lifelong learning journey in a safe, nurturing environment. Educators will:

  • Develop strong, positive bonds;
  • Encourage confidence to explore new surroundings;
  • Spark curiosity through sensory experiences; and
  • Establish helpful routines that support health and wellbeing.
Toddlers | Child Care for Children Aged 1-3 Years | Early Experiences

Early Experiences

Toddlers aged 1-3 years

Your toddler will enjoy an exciting environment in which to explore and experiment as their confidence and social skills emerge. Educators will:

  • Introduce literacy and numeracy through learning games;
  • Support self expression through language skills; and 
  • Develop social and friendship skills in group settings.
Moving up to the Big Room

School Readiness

Children aged 3-5 years

Your child will be given the very best start before they begin Primary School where they will delve into enquiry based project work, and literacy and numeracy programs. Educators will:

  • Guide self-awareness, self-help skills and socialisation;
  • Investigate literacy, mathematics, science, technology and the arts;
  • Stimulate creativity, deeper thinking and problem solving; and
  • Prepare children for classroom environments through play-based preschool and kindergarten programs.

Centres near you


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