How We Use Progress Records To Highlight Children's Learning


What Is A Progress Record?

A Progress Record is an assessment of children's learning progress in relation to four developmental areas:

  • Emotional confidence
  • Social connectivity
  • Foundational learning
  • Physical health and wellbeing

They are completed three times a year at Milestones, and focuses on areas your child is extending, exploring, or emerging.

The data a Progress Record provides helps both families and educators to make informed decisions on where to focus on next with regards to the child's learning.

After completing a Progress Record, educators will work with families to form a goal specific to the child's learning, and in turn implement learning experiences that lead children towards their goals, factoring in their interests too.

For example, if your child is interested in messy play and has a goal to extend their language, the educator may set up water or slime play in a small group and use the 3N Abecedarian strategy to build language.

As your child plays the educators will:

  • Notice what your child is doing – “I can see you are playing with the water.”
  • Nudge your child by extending their thinking – “There are cups and spoons in the water tough, what will you do with them?”
  • Narrate and describe your child’s play to build their language – “Now you are using the spoons to fill up water. One scoop, two scoops, three scoops…”

Parent Teacher Interviews

We encourage you to book a Parent Teacher Interview with your child's educator to discuss their Progress Record in more detail and set goals with regards to their future learning. Speak to your Centre Manager to arrange a time.

Parent Teacher Interviews are of no additional cost and provide a great opportunity to ask questions and get to your child's educator and learning environment too.

How we use progress records to highlight children's learning | Milestones Early Learning Centres

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