A Day in the Life of a Preschooler at Milestones

At Milestones Early Learning, every day is carefully structured to foster growth, learning, and fun, providing a nurturing environment that supports the holistic development of each child. The integrated child care and preschool approach ensures that children receive consistent, high-quality education and care throughout their day. Here’s a glimpse into what a typical day looks like for a preschooler enrolled in the School Readiness program at Milestones.

Early Start with a Healthy Meal

Children who arrive early are greeted with a delicious continental breakfast, shared with friends. This morning meal not only provides essential nutrition but also a social opportunity for children to start their day with positive interactions.

Personalised Greetings

Each child is welcomed with a big smile from their educators and friends. For children needing a bit more comfort at drop-off, educators spend one-on-one time engaging them in a fun activity to ease the transition, ensuring a smooth start to the day.

Morning Exercise

Weather permitting, the day begins with outdoor activities. Children participate in yoga sessions and explore the playground, which helps develop their physical fitness, coordination, and motor skills. This morning exercise is crucial for waking up their bodies and minds, preparing them for the day ahead.

Nutritious Snacks

For morning tea, children enjoy freshly baked muffins and yogurt prepared by the centre's cook. Mealtimes also serve as a learning opportunity where children explore mathematical concepts like counting and measuring, integrating learning into everyday activities.

After morning tea, the formal preschool program commences.

Exploring Interests

A hallmark of Milestones' School Readiness program is its focus on inquiry-based learning and project work. Children engage in ‘Shared Sustained Thinking’ around topics of interest, collaboratively generating questions and researching answers with their peers and educators. This approach fosters critical thinking, curiosity, and teamwork.

Hands-On Learning

Children delve into the Big Thinkers STEM units, exploring topics such as 'What We Eat', which covers principles of healthy eating and recognizing bodily needs. Other units include 'How do we Grow & Change', 'What is Weather', and 'How Does it Move'. These sessions stimulate curiosity and build foundational knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Group Meal

Lunchtime is a communal event where children come together to enjoy a wholesome, nutritionally balanced meal prepared fresh by the centre's cook. This time reinforces social skills and healthy eating habits essential for growing bodies and minds.

Quiet Time

After lunch, children wind down with relaxing music and are given the opportunity to rest their bodies and minds. They may choose to nap, read, or engage in quiet activities like colouring or puzzles. This rest period is crucial for recharging and preparing for the afternoon's activities.

Language & Literacy

Children gather on the mat for group activities aimed at expanding their language and literacy skills in a fun and engaging way. Activities might include searching for words, practicing letters and sounds with games like 'Letter Bingo', or creating a treasure map. These sessions help build foundational literacy skills in a playful context.

The formal School Readiness program for preschoolers now comes to a close.

Afternoon Snack

Children look forward to their afternoon snack, which might include favourites like pizza scrolls or ham and salad wraps. These nutritious snacks keep energy levels up and provide another opportunity for social interaction.

End of Day Activities

As the day winds down, children enjoy another session of outdoor play, engaging in activities like riding push bikes, playing in the sandpit, or navigating the obstacle course. This time allows them to expend energy and enjoy the fresh air before heading home. Educators begin to farewell each child, ensuring they leave feeling valued and excited to return the next day.

The Benefits of Integrated Child Care & Preschool Centres

The School Readiness program for children aged 3-5 is part of the Lifelong Learning Curriculum offered at Milestones. It follows the Healthy Beginnings program for babies aged 0-1, and Early Experiences program for toddlers aged 1-3. Our School Readiness is a government approved preschool program is designed to stimulate young minds, build confidence, resilience and positive self image, and support children’s transition to school, while setting them up for a lifetime love of learning.

Attending an integrated child care and preschool centre, like Milestones, offers numerous benefits, including holistic development through a seamless blend of care and education, fostering cognitive, emotional, social, and physical growth. The consistent and stable environment allows children to form secure attachments with caregivers and educators, enhancing emotional security and social competence. Furthermore, integrated centres ensure continuous and engaging learning experiences through play-based and inquiry-based activities, which prepare children effectively for school and future learning. The combination of qualified educators, structured routines, and enriched learning environments promotes overall wellbeing and readiness for the next educational stage.

Learn more about the School Readiness program offered at Milestones.