A day in the life of a Toddler
Have you ever wondered what a Toddler’s day looks like with us? Take a sneak peek into a Toddler’s day, where our Educators implement our Early Experiences Curriculum, which includes a reputable language program, and intentional teaching experiences every day to nurture your child’s curiosity.

A Day of ‘Awe’ and ‘Wonder’ in your Nursery
When thinking about a typical day in the Nursery, it is common to have preconceptions about what happens and how the educators facilitate learning.

Milestones Celebrates Book Week!
Over the week of the 21st of August, our Milestones centres celebrated book week through the power of dress up, imagination and creativity as our Educators and Teachers developed learning experiences inspired by the books the children read every day.

Finalist Outstanding Educator in NTEC Awards 2023
We are excited to announce that our very own Gabriela Savio, Lead Educator for Milestones Early Learning Darwin City, has been chosen from more than 30 nominees as one of only 3 finalists in the Northern Territory Education and Care Awards for 2023 in the category ‘Outstanding Educator’.

Spring has Sprung! What is happening at your centre?
Spring is the season for growth, and at our centres, growth can be seen in every room, program and child in our Lifelong Learning Village.

Milestones get ‘active’ for National Science Week!
Last week, all Milestones Early Learning Centres participated in National Science Week, one of our more loved and educational events of the year for our children, educators and teachers!

What the Child Care Subsidy mean for our families?
On the 10 July 2023, the Australian Government increasing the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rates for families within Australia, resulting in reduced gap fees for some families.

Junior Conservation Program Starts at Milestones
From August 2023 onwards, children at Milestones Early Learning Centres around Australia will start learning about 18 endangered and native Australian species through the brand new Aussie Wildlife Champions program

Saying ‘Thank you!’ on Early Childhood Educators Day
The countdown is on to Wednesday, the 6th of September, when our centres will celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day. We’re inviting all families and caregivers to make a special effort to say ‘Thank You’ to the educators who care for and teach their children in our centres.

Get involved for National Science Week!
National Science Week is fast approaching, with the official date to launch from the 12th all the way through to the 20th of August.