Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 5

Welcome to the fifth instalment of our National Quality Standards seven-part series, where we provide an in-depth look into the seven quality areas benchmarked against the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) standards.

Random Acts of Kindness Day: Teaching Acts of Kindness to Children

Saturday 17th of February 2024 is Random Acts Of Kindness Day! The day was created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK), a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing kindness as the standard. Random Acts Of Kindness Day aims to enhance mental health and wellbeing, foster community connections and a sense of belonging, encourage empathy and compassion, and inspire change

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 4

Get to know your National Quality Standards – Series 4

Qualified and experienced educators, who develop warm, respectful relationships with children, create predictable environments and encourage children’s active engagement in the learning program.

Learning With Dr. Lesley Jones: New Year, New Rooms

This month we welcome many children and families to our Centres for the first time. We also welcome back the many thousands of children who will be transitioning into new rooms, and are part of our Affinity Education family.

As we begin 2024, we would like to share with you more information about our Lifelong Learning Curriculum, which is the cornerstone of how we work here at Affinity Education.

Educational Programs During the Festive Season

At this time of year, many families are turning their thoughts to the festive season and family holidays. We know that December and January is a busy time of year, so we wanted to reassure you that our centres are not scaling down activities over the festive period. Unlike primary schools, we remain fully operational and focused on children’s learning goals.

Educator with baby

The Lifelong Learning Curriculum – a guide for families

This month, we are highlighting the Lifelong Learning Curriculum, our signature educational program that operates within all our Early Learning Centres.

The Importance of Friendships and Relationships in Childcare

This month, we wanted to share with you a little more about early childhood education, what it means, and how it works, and give you a glimpse of what your child may actually experience while with us each day.

A day in the life – Childcare and your child’s development

This month, we wanted to share with you a little more about early childhood education, what it means, and how it works, and give you a glimpse of what your child may actually experience while with us each day.

How my Educators get me School Ready

Early Childhood Education has proven to play a major role in a child’s transition to school, and here at Milestones, we have passionate Educators and Early Childhood Teachers who deliver a range of programs to extend children’s curiosity, growth, and independence.

A day in the life of a Toddler

Have you ever wondered what a Toddler’s day looks like with us? Take a sneak peek into a Toddler’s day, where our Educators implement our Early Experiences Curriculum, which includes a reputable language program, and intentional teaching experiences every day to nurture your child’s curiosity.